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Publication List


“O Fortuna.” Science fiction novella, published as D. Llywelyn Jones in The Fantasist Issue 6, March 2018. Available for e-book purchase.

Inspired by the common but rarely sympathetic trope of the sexbot, this narrative focuses upon an android sex worker, Lux, who was once programmed to pleasure humans without thought for her own rights. Now living free, Lux has found that passing for a human with more legitimized employment also has its downsides; despite years of independence, she is caught in a quandary about what individualism means, and she’s searching for the person who can give her the life she really wants. Questioning the conventional wisdom about everything from sex and gender to future economies and the true role of AI, “O Fortuna” presents a nuanced, rebellious drama that draws a straight line from Frankenstein’s monster to the erotic dolls of some dystopian metropolis. This story’s future civilization does not glitter; it grinds, buzzes, screams, and cries.

“Scrying.” Micro essay for Flat Earth Theatre’s Tales of a Fourth Grade Lesbo blog, published March 12, 2016.

Tiresias. Novel, self-published as Devon Llywelyn Jones, first edition November 2013, second edition March 2021. Lambda Literary Award finalist. Available in paperback or e-book.

Two stories woven and unraveled together: a young transgender student named Quinn helps his girlfriend escape from a violent home, while almost one hundred years prior, T. S. Eliot’s life is given a fictional retelling. Discovering for himself how abuse survivors can mirror their abusers’ behavior, Quinn finds himself mired in the continuing cycle over the course of two and a half years. A speculative romantic awakening for Eliot in Paris is derailed into his historically miserable first marriage. As four figures struggle with sexuality, destructive incompatibility, and the uncertain territory of trans-inclusive gender politics, the question becomes whether Quinn is trapped not only in one relationship, but also in a biography that is not his own… and a biography he himself has written.

“On Chelsea Manning and the Litmus Test of the Left Wing.” Article for Blast Bombshell, published August 23, 2013. URL no longer works, but a copy of the final draft is available by request.

Personal blog articles published on defunct sites between December 2011 and November 2022. A sampling will eventually be migrated to this site’s blog.

Completed manuscripts

Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. Play in three acts, based on the novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley; full script available for public reading or staged production.

In development

Armes Prydein. Co-written with Alexander Stewart. Collaborative multi-genre novel, to be read in single or three-volume form; rough draft in progress.

Several other novels, short stories, and essays in more abstract condition.

Editing & curation

Guest editor for the first Trans Issue of The Offing, published November 2015.

Freelance work & ongoing copywriting

I’m periodically exploring opportunities for freelance writing. In the meantime, I’ve been doing creative and technical copy for my day job since 2014, and I will gladly supply interested parties with a portfolio of sample content.