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❧ New site & current Armes Prydein progress

August 21, 2024

This website has been live for about three weeks. It was time for an updated domain name, time for detachment from WordPress, time for experimentation with Neocities, and time for refocusing.

As usual, I will continue providing updates here on the upcoming novel Armes Prydein. The current status is that two out of the three braided narratives are rough draft complete at 685,000 combined words, and one of these narratives is undergoing preliminary revisions. The one incomplete narrative, “Cad Camlan,” is about halfway complete at 220,000 words and counting. Eternal gratitude to my co-writer Alex.

You have reached the bottom of any updates added since this site was created in August 2024. For an archive of selected older posts from an older domain, click here.