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Other Work

I am fundamentally a multimedia artist, even if writing has remained my chief passion. I perform and create music, I dance, I dabble in photography & other visual arts, I act, I direct, and I’m an experienced theatrical lighting designer. I thrive on rhythm, passion, violence, drama, disturbance, and color. Here is a CV of my non-written work.


With Flat Earth Theatre (Boston):

With the Derryfield Summer Repertory Theatre (New Hampshire):


Language skills

I’m open to translation and localization opportunities, obviously not for all of these languages but for several. I've studied these in formal academic settings and on my own. My linguistics background and an apparent knack allow me to learn and retain languages very easily. In order of proficiency:

I aim to eventually return to conlang projects and will list those here if they ever achieve relative completion.

Modeling & dance

For a few years, I sidestepped into modeling & dance on Boston’s alt/goth scene. These activities are now on pause, but my alter ego appeared in:


I’m a classically trained singer who can perform in a variety of styles including opera, modern rock (including goth & power metal), and Broadway. My voice type is unusual due to 3.5 years of adult testosterone therapy that was then discontinued; I have a tenor range with an expanded upper register and the color of a less “masculinized” dramatic contralto, but I’m most at home with songs for “male” vocals and I have a genuine falsetto. I was a founding member of Bard A Cappella from 2005 to 2009.

I also have a variety of experience on instruments including concert flute, guitar, piano and other keyboards, banjo, and timpani.

Visual arts

I produce various sketches and mixed media works, at the moment largely for ritual purposes. Currently developing a tarot deck of my own design.

Private photographic portfolio available by request.